Informational Guide to Antalya Airport (AYT) - Non Official

QS1494 Smartwings - Flight Status

Below, you can find details about Smartwings flight QS1494, which currently operates between the airports of Prague - Vaclav Havel Airport Prague (Airport Code PRG) and Antalya - Antalya Airport (Airport Code AYT).
This flight data pertains specifically to the flight's details for Monday, October 07, 2024.

QS1494 On Time performance:
It is not possible to calculate the On-Time Performance for this flight accurately due to insufficient or non-representative data, as doing so could lead to misleading conclusions.

Flight Status

QS1494 Smartwings from Prague

This flight is not scheduled for February 14, 2025.

Airline information



Prague (PRG)
October 07, 2024
Vaclav Havel Airport Prague


Antalya (AYT)
October 07, 2024
Antalya Airport
The information displayed on this website is gathered from third-party providers with a wide reputation on the sector, which in turn obtain the information from the airlines. This data is provided only for informative purposes. assumes no responsibility for loss or damage as a result of relying on information posted here. Please contact your airline to verify flight status.

Additional Information

Which is the frequency of flight QS1494?
The flight QS1494 is currently not scheduled at Antalya Airport (AYT).

Which is the distance of flight QS1494?
The distance between the two airports is 1975 kilometers.

Are the departure airport and arrival airport at the same Time Zone?
No, each airport is in a different timezone. The times shown above, are presented in the local time of each respective airport.
Current Time in Prague: 2025-02-14 05:58:23
Current Time in Antalya: 2025-02-14 07:58:23

Alternative Flights

The following airlines serves the same route between Prague and Antalya:

- Flight Number: QS1196. (On Time performance: 73 - Average Delay: 14 minutes)

- Flight Number: XQ321. (On Time performance: 66 - Average Delay: 12 minutes)

Punctuality and delays

It is not possible to calculate the On-Time Performance for this flight accurately due to insufficient or non-representative data, as doing so could lead to misleading conclusions.

Delays analyzed by Weekday: We have gathered available data from last six months, spanning from August 10, 2024 to October 07, 2024. Next, you can observe the results broken down by day of the week: number of flights analyzed, on-time performance per day, and average delay per day.

Delays analyzed by Month: We have gathered available data from last twelve closed months, spanning from May 22, 2024 to October 07, 2024. Next, you can observe the results broken down by month: number of flights analyzed, on-time performance per month, and average delay per month.

Last Past Flights QS1494

No flights for QS1494 were scheduled in the past month. The last flight took place on Monday, October 07, 2024